The Legend of a Stick on a String

Wente Scout Reservation, 5401 Canyon Road, Willits, CA 95490 Golden Gate Area Council-BSA, 6601 Owens Drive, Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA 94588 | PH: 925.674.6100 email: |
Copyright ©, All Rights Reserved
Before the homesteaders, hunters and loggers, bison, grizzly bear and turnips were plentiful in Finney Valley. However, wave upon wave of demented avengers marched cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream of what was Finney Valley. In the distance, a ribbon of black stretched to the point of no turning back. A flight of fancy on a windswept field, standing alone our senses reeled. The fatal attraction is holding us fast; how can we escape this irresistible grasp - Finbar O’Riley.

Stick on a String Sightings

If you’ve had a Stick on a String sighting (similar to a UFO or out-of-body-experience) outside of Wente, send us your name, photo and date of the sighting to include here. Remember, this has to be a real sighting, not something you staged.
Steve Kline, 01/13/2019, Sibley Volcanic Reserve, Oakland
Wente Scout Reservation Established 1959, Oakland Area Council